Healthy Pregnancy

  • How to encourage labour naturally

    How to encourage labour naturally

    Having a baby is one of the happiest moments of any parent’s life. But the act of having a baby is not equally shared by both parents and falls more to the mum than the dad. And the dad can...

  • Hospital bag checklist: What to pack

    Hospital bag checklist: What to pack

    The time has almost come. As you prepare for the new addition to your home, consider packing your bags early before you need to rush in for labour. There are a few simple things to keep in mind as you...

  • Perineal Massage While Pregnant: When, Why and How

    Perineal Massage While Pregnant: When, Why and How

    As a mum to be, you probably hear lots of stories about what happens during birth. First and foremost, take a breath and remember that this is your experience. So, prepare for it as directed by your doctor and trust...

  • What is oxytocin?

    What is oxytocin?

    Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It regulates social interaction and sexual reproduction, playing a role in behaviours from maternal-infant bonding and milk release to empathy, generosity, and orgasm.When we hug or kiss...

  • What can help nausea during pregnancy?

    What can help nausea during pregnancy?

    Among the challenges of pregnancy, very few are more famous than nausea. Vomiting is a common occurrence at the beginning of the nine-month period, and the whole ordeal is also known under the name morning sickness.If you’ve just recently found out...

  • Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

    Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

    Whether you're a first-time mother or you're already a mum, you probably have questions about working out in pregnancy. The good news is that most exercise for pregnant women is not only safe, it's also healthy — for both you and...