By Cradle & Tonic

Itchy nipples during pregnancy

Being pregnant is both an exciting and stressful time. There is nothing better than bringing a new life into this world, but you are also going to experience a lot of changes in your body. You may get tired faster than you did before, you may notice swelling in certain areas of your body, and you may develop rashes that can be irritating. For example, you may develop itchy nipples during pregnancy.

Having an itchy nipple pregnancy can be frustrating, and there are numerous itchy nipple causes. If you are wondering, “why do my nipples itch,” learn more about sore breasts pregnancy below.

What Are the Main Causes of Itchy Boobs During Pregnancy?

If you are wondering about the main causes of itchy boobs during pregnancy, a few of the most common examples include:

Hormonal Changes

One of the first reasons why you might be experiencing pitching nipples is due to hormonal changes. When you are pregnant, the flow of hormones throughout your body can change drastically. When this happens, you can develop itchy nipples. For example, breasts are incredibly responsive to changes in estrogen levels. Breast tissue has a wide variety of estrogen receptor sites. During pregnancy, estrogen levels can change, causing your nipples to get itchy.

Furthermore, these changes and estrogen levels can also cause your breasts to get bigger. You may have noticed this during your pregnancy. Because your breasts are receiving a lot more signals than they did in the past, it is easy for them to get irritated. This can lead to breast tenderness, discomfort, and even caused them to get itchy.You will experience significant fluctuations in your hormones during the course of your pregnancy. You need to be prepared to deal with them, and there are plenty of resources available. There are plenty of creams, lotions, and balms you can use to treat breast itchiness. When you go for regular check-ups with your GP, you may want to mention this to him or her as well. He or she might have other resources available.

Breast Eczema

You may experience breast eczema during pregnancy as well. If you are someone who has a history of eczema, it may get worse during pregnancy. Even though this is not universal, it can be a significant cause of nipple itchiness.

Again, the development of eczema can be triggered by raging hormones you have going through your body. Even though there is still a lot of research that is taking place regarding the relationship between pregnancy and eczema, a lot of experts believe that this is related to the increase and active white blood cells throughout your body during pregnancy. This could cause the immune system to go into overdrive, leading to eczema.If you notice dry, cracked, itchy skin on your breasts, this is a sign you are suffering from eczema. If the eczema gets particularly bad, you may even notice bleeding or pus coming from your skin.

 Fortunately, there are ways you can treat breast eczema as well. You should do everything you can to prevent the skin from drying out. This could include applying lotion or balm to keep the skin from cracking. Eczema during pregnancy can be frustrating, but there are ways for you to treat this.


If you have a history of atopic dermatitis, then you may experience flare-ups of this condition during pregnancy as well. There are numerous reasons why you may stop at dermatitis during pregnancy. In addition to hormonal changes, other possible causes include using harsh detergents, scented soaps, and wearing clothing that is too tight when you exercise. Even though it is good for you to keep up your exercise routine during pregnancy, it can also lead to dermatitis if your clothes are too tight against your skin.

There are several symptoms you may notice if you develop dermatitis. In addition to nipple itching, you may notice pimples on the surface of your skin, cracks that start to leak fluid, and even the development of scaling skin.There are ways you may be able to prevent dermatitis. Of course, you should try to avoid using things that will make the condition worse. If you are using scented soaps and detergents, try to stay away from them. You should also try to wear looser clothing so that it does not irritate the surface of your skin.

Finally, you should try to avoid scratching the area, as this could open up some of the lesions. This could increase your risk of infection. You may want to talk to your GP to see if there are treatment options for dermatitis on your nipples.


During pregnancy, you may develop a fungal infection caused by yeast. Sometimes called thrush or breast yeast, this is usually caused by Candida Albicans, which is the same yeast that is responsible for a nappy rash you may notice in your baby.

There are several symptoms you may notice if you have developed a yeast infection. These include:

• You might notice a stabbing, aching, or shooting pain traveling through your breast tissue.
• You might notice that your breasts are getting itchy.
• You could develop a stinging or burning sensation.
• Your nipple and areola are going to look pink or red.
• You may notice that your areola is starting to flake.
• If your nipples begin to crack, they may be slow to heal
• You may notice a white rash that almost resembles a type of mold gradually progressing across your breast tissue

If you are concerned that you may have a yeast infection on your breast tissue, you need to visit your GP. He or she may recommend an antifungal cream that can help you treat this yeast infection. You also need to make sure you launder all of your clothes there early to make sure you do not give yourself another yeast infection when you put your clothes back on.

Skin Stretching

Finally, you may notice that your nipples are itching because your skin is stretching. Your breasts are going to get bigger during pregnancy. This is your body getting ready to produce fresh milk for a newborn baby. Unfortunately, as your breasts get bigger, this is also going to stretch out the skin. You may even notice stretch marks starting to develop on certain areas of your body, including your breast tissue.

When your skin begins to stretch on your breast tissue, your skin cells have to cover a wider area than they did before. It will take a while for your skin cells to adjust to this, and they will probably start to get itchy as they start to crack and peel. Eventually, your breast tissue is going to get used to this, but you may experience a significant amount of itching during this time.You should try to keep your breast tissue moist, as this will prevent it from cracking. If your breast tissue does not crack, then the itching should get better. Fortunately, there are several products you can use to keep your skin moist and treat the itching.

How To Treat Itchy Nipples During Pregnancy?

It can be frustrating to have itchy nipples during pregnancy. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available. These include:

comfortable pregnancy clothes

Wear Loose, Breathable Clothes

During pregnancy, the first thing you should do is wear loose, breathable clothes. That way, you can prevent your skin from getting irritated, including the breast tissue. You might be tempted to try to squeeze into the same clothes you did before you were pregnant. Unfortunately, this is probably not going to be possible. The only thing you will do is trap your breasts against your body, compressing them. This is going to irritate your skin, making it itch. Instead, you should try to wear loose, breathable clothes. We suggest buying maternity clothes that are designed to not create friction against your body.

Your clothes also need to be breathable so that your breast tissue does not overheat. When you go clothes shopping, try to choose cotton. Cotton is not going to trap sweat against your body, unlike synthetic clothes. If you can prevent your breasts from getting sweaty, you can prevent the salt in your sweat from drying out your breast tissue.

Keep in mind that you may have to buy larger clothes as the pregnancy goes along. That way, you can make sure you are comfortable throughout the duration of your pregnancy.

Avoid Hot Showers

You could also try to stay away from hot showers and baths. Even though you may have liked hot showers in the past, this is going to make itchy breast tissue worse. If you expose yourself to hot temperatures for a long time, your skin is going to get irritated. If you have ever stepped out of a long hot shower, you may have noticed that your skin is red. This is a sign that your skin is getting inflamed, which makes you feel itchy.Therefore, you should stay away from hot showers during pregnancy.

Furthermore, hot water can also cause your skin to crack. If your skin starts to crack, the itchiness is going to get worse. Make sure you do not expose yourself to continuous water for more than ten minutes at a time.

We recommend using Cradle & Tonics Shower & Bath Gel which is naturally formulated to keep your skin moisturised.

Exposing your body to water for a long amount of time can cause it to dry out when you get out of the shower or bath. Try to keep the temperature lukewarm at most. Then, when you step out of the shower, you may want to use a lotion that can prevent your skin from drying out.

pregnancy lotion

Use a Lotion

Speaking of lotion, there are plenty of options that can help you protect your breast tissue from drying out during pregnancy. You should try to apply a solid moisturising lotion to your nipples and breasts regularly. There are several ingredients you may want to look for when you go shopping for lotion. For example, you should try to find a lotion that contains calamine, petroleum jelly, lanolin, aloe vera, vitamin E oil, or cocoa butter. All of these ingredients can help your itchy breast tissue feel better.

On the other hand, there are several ingredients you should avoid as well. In particular, you should not use any lotion that contains alcohol or fragrances. These are harsh, stringent ingredients that can strip your breast tissue of its natural moisturisers. Therefore, they are only going to make your itchy skin that much worse.

Before you try a new cream for the first time, you may want to talk to your GP to make sure you are not allergic to it. If you have an allergic reaction to a lotion, this is going to make your itchy skin that much worse.If you are looking for a lotion that has been made specifically to take care of itchy breast tissue, then you may want to take a look at our nipple balm.This is a balm that has been specifically designed for women who are pregnant or who will become pregnant soon. It can treat dry skin on the nipples, lips, and cuticles. It contains cocoa butter, shea butter, and coconut oil, providing you with all the moisturisers you need to treat itchy nipples. All the ingredients are organic and all-natural, making sure you are as comfortable as possible during pregnancy. Take advantage of this special balm to treat your itchy nipples.

Use a Humidifier

Finally, you may also want to use a humidifier that can help you keep your nipples moist. If you find that you consistently wake up in the morning with nipples that are dry, and maybe because you have gone eight or more hours without applying anything moist to the surface of your nipples. Therefore, you have to make the air in your bedroom a bit more humid to prevent your breast tissue from drying out.One of the ways to do that is to use a humidifier. A humidifier will release water vapor into the air, removing the harsh dryness that could be making you itchy. When you are trying to find a humidifier, you should locate one that gives you customisable controls. That way, you are in control of how much water is in the air. If you make the air too humid, then you may start to sweat. The salt in your sweat could make the itching worse. If you are wondering, "why are my nipples dry," a humidifier can help with this.

The Takeaway

Ultimately, there are numerous reasons why you might be experiencing itchy nipples during pregnancy. Your body is going through a lot of hormonal changes, your skin gets stretched out, and you may develop issues such as breast eczema, dermatitis, and yeast.

Even though this can be frustrating, there are multiple ways you can treat dry nipples. For example, you can deal with pregnancy nipple changes by avoiding hot showers, using a lotion, and taking advantage of humidifiers. You might be able to wear loose, breathable clothes that can help you as well. Finally, remember to take advantage of specialised products, such as our special balm. This can do wonders for your skin during pregnancy, particularly your nipples!

Frequently Asked Questions About Itchy Nipples During Pregnancy

There are a few common questions women have about itchy nipples during pregnancy. These include:

What is the best way to treat itchy nipples during pregnancy?

If you are experiencing itchy nipples during pregnancy, there are several treatment options available. You may want to start by applying a moisturiser or cream to your nipples. When you are looking for ingredients for your moisturiser, you should try to find something that has all-natural ingredients.

For example, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter are all helpful for treating itchy nipples during pregnancy. You may also want to talk to your GP about other treatment options.

What does it mean when your nipples itch?

If you are wondering, "why do my nipples itch during pregnancy," this is normal. Your body is going through a lot of hormone changes, and this can cause breast itching during pregnancy. At the same time, this does not mean you have to spend your entire pregnancy constantly scratching yourself. There are treatment options available, and you may want to stay away from scented detergents and soaps to prevent a rash on nipple.

Do I need to buy special clothes to stop my itching during pregnancy?

It is a good idea for you to buy new clothes if you are pregnant. You need to identify clothes that are loose and breathable. That way, you are not compressing your breast tissue, and you can prevent your body from overheating. This could help you stop yourself from sweating, which can reduce itching throughout your body, including your breast tissue.

Why are my nipples peeling?

Your nipples might be peeling because they are dry. If you use moisturiser, humidifiers, and special clothes, you might be able to stop them from peeling.